Come Along - Cosmo Sheldrake
“almost”. didn‘t quite make it, or made it just very near. such terrible meaning, holding the utter truth. separates me from what could have been. tragedy, a marvelous tale of tragedy, one of many.
above all tales, my favourite one will inevitably always be you. us. whatever that is. what a tragedy. in silence we went different paths, watching you abandon the long hours of sunlight, everything we had, so easily. to live with the fact that you will be my most painful “almost” is the hardest part. accept that i was better off without you, that there is no going back to what we used to be, time to learn more about myself. knowing, that you will come back in half a year‘s time, i focus on the here and now. focus on finding happiness.
at least soon it will be us again. summer and me.
04. februar 2019
Hallöchen Doro,
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